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The Nazca Lines

The Nazca Lines in Peru are one of Earth's mysteries. They are giant glyphs in the Nazca desert assumed to be around 2,000 years old. When seen from the ground they aren't obvious, but from the sky interesting shapes are observed such as a spider, a hummingbird, trees, flowers, geometric shapes.

There are multiple theories as to why these images exist but no one knows for sure.

I've always been interested in things that are unusual, different, unexplained. In 7th grade English we were assigned an essay that could be written about any famous person we were interested in. The girls chose actors, actresses, or singers. The boys chose sports figures. I chose Edgar Cayce. I was tagged as "weird" anyway but that finished off any chance of popularity I might have had in Junior High!

When I first learned of the Nazca lines, official explanations of their existence didn't sit right with me. Experts cited religious offerings, possible astronomical influences, symbols of gods and goddesses or fertility rituals as influencing the Nazca peoples to create these beautiful images. Others suggested that ancient aliens had visited Peru and created the Nazca lines.

When I began asking questions of the aliens (and actually getting answers!), the Nazca lines were one of the first things I asked about, since the ancient alien theory made the most sense to me. The figures must be seen from a high elevation to determine their shape; and the size, symmetry and elegance of the figures remind me of crop circles.

I was told that none of the current theories are correct. This is what I was told about the Nazca lines: They were created for shamanic work. One of the main things a shaman must learn to do is leave his/hear body and travel into the astral realm. These pictographs were created so that a shamanic apprentice could have a target. Out-of-body travel is done on a different level of reality than our regular everyday existence, and at times it's hard to know if one is really traveling in the astral or if dreaming, daydreaming, fantasizing or imagining, or just plain making things up. A shaman needs a great deal of confidence in their ability to travel to other realms and do their work in those realms. Therefore, communities worked together to create these lines so that young shamans could practice astral travel. They would observe the figures from high up, then return their consciousness to their body and report back to the older shaman, describing what they saw. The more they did this, the more detail they could recall and the more their confidence in their abilities grew.

Communities worked together on this; since it took a great deal of time and effort to create one of these figures, obviously everyone in a particular village would know what it was - a spider or a condor for example. Therefore, the shaman apprentice would need to travel from their own community to a neighboring one, where the apprentice would not know what the figure was. Each community took pride in keeping their own glyph a secret so that they could host a neighboring apprentice shaman.

The aliens, as far as I know, were not involved in this process but they are aware of it and would like to see us return to the days of communities drawing together for healing, rituals, and shamanic ceremonies in addition to using our modern technological wisdom. We could truly have the best of both worlds if we would work together for the common good instead of judging, complaining, and arguing who is smarter or better. They always encourage cooperation over competition.

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