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They're Baaaack

Just when I'd about given up on more alien connections, they came to me last night in a big way. Today is the 4th of July, a huge holiday in the United States. Although the aliens don't experience time the same way we do, and they obviously don't observe our holidays (well who knows, maybe they do!) it seems they contact me more easily on special days like my birthday or Thanksgiving. I believe they ride on waves of emotion, and the strong human emotions flowing nationwide today may make their access easier.

Polka-dot tree frog

Last night I was in a ship and aware that I was "dreaming but not dreaming." It wasn't until I awoke that I knew it was a ship. The ongoing screen memory during the dream was that I was in a shopping mall, a huge one. My best friend from high school (who I haven't seen in 40 years) and her mom had brought me to this mall. We went into an elegant store, similar to Macy's, in search of warm jackets because "it was going to get cold." This friend lives in Phoenix and I live in Southern California, so I don't know if this is a literal message that we will having unusually cold weather, or if it was a symbolic message. It usually takes time to unravel the full meanings of these experiences.

We were immediately concerned because there were no racks of clothing, there were odd shelves with artifacts and only a few pieces of clothing hanging in strange places. I got separated from them and found myself in a room that was royal blue and purple, glowing, like a museum room with delicate pieces of jewelry and odd-looking pottery placed on various pedestals. Still in search of clothing, I left that room only to find I was in a completely different place though it was the same door through which I had entered.

I was facing a sleek white glowing hallway that had several tunnel-like open doorways, and someone gently pushed me into the one on my left. It sloped downward, causing me to slide down into a white room where the white floor was filled with sharp pointed objects making it hard to find a good footing, especially as I was barefoot. A young girl was in the room and said, "Look! A slide!" pointing to an area that was smooth and curved, with no sharp objects. It curved downward so she sat there and tried to push off with her hands, but could not slide. She began to cry and a lady quickly came in and took her away, soothing her cries.

Leaving that room I felt disoriented so followed some people who said they were getting tacos. The tacos smelled wonderful, so I got in line. As I held out my plate the server placed a taco on it, then pulled her hat off to reveal an alien face! At the time I thought her large bulging eyes looked like goat eyes but, searching Google Images for goat eyes, I see that her eyes were more like those of a tree frog. She was short and had been working with her head down, and only looked up long enough for me to see her. She smiled and winked at me, then pulled her hat back down low to serve the next person in line.

I wanted to talk to her but the line was moving quickly. There were so many people in line I couldn't see the end; in fact the entire mall was bustling with countless people. I understand this to mean they are communicating with a LOT more people now, but not everyone knows they are aliens.

This was a very hopeful and happy message. They are here, they never left, they are busy working and, if you are aware and watchful of details, you just might catch sight of one.

Dreams by the Cranberries

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