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Lighten Up

Pain throws your heart to the ground Love turns the whole thing around Fear is a friend who's misunderstood But I know the heart of life is good.

~ John Mayer, The Heart of Life

It's easy to get caught up in fear or worry or negativity, especially the way the world is these days. Years ago I ditched cable TV, and I've taken countless classes on meditation, positive thinking, and the like. I got my lifetime goal accomplished - becoming a published author - and yet there are still days when discouragement runs deeper than faith.

The Heart of Life by John Mayer

But life is not meant to be a constant struggle. The aliens often remind me that they view life, especially life on Earth, as a game to be enjoyed. They have helped me overcome my fears by using humor. Now, as I work on health issues, they continue to do the same.

I was scheduled for a sleep study last week. This is where you go to a medical facility at night, get hooked up to an EEG on your head, an EKG for your heart, electrodes hooked to your legs to check leg movement, an oxygen monitor, and then they tuck you in, turn off the light and expect you to sleep with a blinking camera aimed at you from the corner. It was more comfortable than you'd expect, and I did sleep pretty well.

Before I went I was hoping that the aliens would show up. Finally, proof on video, with witnesses! I did not expect Crote, as he is too magnificent and stately to appear in such an undignified manner, but I could see a party of three Greys sneaking in, peering around the corner, carefully unhooking all the wires before floating me out of there. I even invited them to come.

The night of the test, a little nervous about driving in the dark in a town I'm not very familiar with, I got to a medical building marked 1910 and walked in carrying my overnight bag and pillow, checking all the doors but the Sleep Center was not there. It was eerie walking through this place that, although well lit, was empty. I walked across the parking lot to another medical building but no one was there either. I called the Sleep Center and discovered their address was 1901, not 1910. By the time I arrived I was late and frazzled. The technician, in a rush to get going, asked for my photo ID right away. I pulled it out and gave it to her:

As I fumbled with my purse for insurance cards, she busted out laughing. I bought this funny license at the Ozark Mountain UFO Conference in Eureka Springs, Arkansas, and kept it next to my real driver's license.

At the time I was embarrassed but later on, as she was hooking me up, she said she believes in aliens and told me about having seen a UFO. I was then able to relax and laugh and we had a great conversation.

Needless to say the Greys didn't show up that night, or you would have heard about it by now. But in a funny way they did, by having me grab the wrong driver's license and then talking about aliens. They were probably there, just not in visible mode.

And this is one of the ways they play with us. They like us to laugh and talk openly and honestly with one another. They are very interested in human relationships and interactions, as we are such emotional creatures and they are still trying to figure us out. I don't think they ever will; we are too complex. We can't even figure ourselves out.

But one of the things they've learned, and that they've shared with me repeatedly, is that humor and fun are important to our mental and physical health, our relationships, and life in general. Think of the phrase "lighten up" and the many ways it can be interpreted - don't be so serious all the time, raise your vibration, see the light. The heart of life is good.

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