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"It's Just An Energy Wave"

You know how you walk into a room and forget why you went in there? Years ago my mom told me to go back where I was when I first got the thought, stand or sit in the same position, and the thought would return to me. Sounds crazy but it works 99% of the time. She said that sometimes we leave our thoughts behind and if we go back to where we left them, we can pick them back up again. Not long after her death the aliens told me our thoughts are like cartoon speech bubbles and when we lose the thought they have been trapped in an energy wave. The aliens can recognize us by the thought bubbles around our heads. Mom was always a little "different" and her own mother left Scotland as a teenager under threat of bodily harm for being a witch, so I guess my strangeness comes naturally with my DNA.

I haven't kept up my blog for several reasons, the main one being a struggle with health, for which I have been asking my alien friends to help. The way my health issues coincide with the publication of my book and my interactions with them, I know instinctively there is a connection with my physical condition and my relationship with the aliens but apparently it's up to me to figure it all out. Today they gave me one big clue. Or more correctly, today I finally figured out one of their big clues.

I am doing better but I awaken every morning at 5 a.m. with extreme anxiety. It makes no sense because I strive to live a calm, safe, drama-free life. I have been told that anxiety is an actual physical manifestation of this illness I battle, lupus. It affects the central nervous system in certain people.

This morning the aliens came to help. I was up with nausea and anxiety about 5 a.m., but was able to get back to sleep. I was immediately taken to a familiar alien location, in my mind it's the city of Tampa, Florida; a high-rise building on Bayshore Blvd. with a large circular light-blue lobby, in which I face a bank of large glass elevators. Instead of numbers above them there are heiroglyphs. I am always accompanied by at least two Grey aliens when I step inside this building. I was guided (more like shoved or pushed this time) into one of the elevators and it took off and up very quickly. Next thing I knew I was lying in bed in a room that I thought was my bedroom, yet it wasn't my bedroom. I looked out the window to see a bright orange flickering glare. This made my heart leap because I was involved in the Thomas fire last December and recall all too well the sickening sight of an orange glowing sky dangerously close to home. I jumped out of bed to peer out the window and saw someone putting out a threatening fire burning on a nearby power pole. The flames died down but the orange glow and smell of smoke was still prevalent.

I went outside and started down the street to find help. People, some who I knew, were having a party, laughing, playing card games, drinking shots of liquor, and some were even laying in the street shooting up drugs. I frantically yelled at them, "Can't you see that fire? What are we going to do about it?" An old friend laughed and handed me a small glass. "Have a shot and chill out already," he told me. I walked away, upset, and went into a coffee shop. There was only one customer there, standing at the bar. I stood behind her to wait for service but no one was working behind the counter.

She turned to me and calmly said, "It's an energy wave. You just have to swipe it away." I stood there blankly, still very upset as she calmly sipped her coffee.

She turned back and looked me in the eye. It was Kathy Bates, the actress. I have always admired this lady for her no-nonsense approach. Yet it wasn't really Kathy Bates; she had awfully large black shiny eyes. "It's just an energy wave. You have to swipe it away, " she repeated, then reached out and made a swiping motion with her (unusually long) arm in front of my abdominal area. When she did that I literally saw and felt a bright orange/red/yellow glob of energy sweep out of my abdomen and fly away in the shape of a giant flame, out the door, and dissipate into the dark night air. I felt great and breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's an energy wave. You just have to swipe it away." As I abruptly came awake, the voice of Kathy Bates echoed in my mind.

The anxiety was gone.

On The Way Home by Buffalo Springfield, written by Neil Young

I got up and began my morning routine, realizing I had been told this many many times before, including earlier last night, but in typical stubborn thick-headed human fashion, had not bothered to write it down or use it. Anxiety - an energy wave, fire-like, that can be swept away as easily as swiping a page away on a cell phone?

The anxiety did return off and on this morning. This is not a one-time-cures-all treatment but nothing is; we are here on Earth for a journey of learning and experience. I sometimes wonder if the aliens aren't rolling their eyes at us. "Look at Donna! We only had to show her 167 times before she got it. I knew that she would listen to Kathy Bates!" Is it any wonder they do not come and walk among us yet?

There is much that can be inferred from accepting the concept of an energy wave; does this apply to all physical ailments? What about mental illnesses? Headaches? Negative energy from certain people? The mantra of "everything is energy" is common in New Age circles but I thought of it only in abstract terms, not the nuts and bolts of literal energy waves flowing through our bodies continuously. Some energy waves are good and we want them around us, so we must use discernment to differentiate them. In the meantime I am consciously swiping my abdominal area and putting out any fires there anytime I start to feel that familiar discomfort.

The aliens love us. They don't want us to suffer with anxiety, illness, fear, discomfort. They are reaching out to help us but we have to ask first; and then when they answer we have to translate and decipher the messages we receive. Nobody ever said this lifetime was going to be easy, but what a wild ride it is!

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